
Plug and play solution
Connectivity with several technologies
Monitoramento com alarmes sonoros / Operability remote assistance
Configurablel and scalable
Specifications of each module
190,6 cm
131,1 cm
61,8 cm

Water analysis, treatment and digital management
Augen sought in the digitalization of processes and data the solution for more efficient management at treatment plants.
Thus, ETA 4.0 was designed to promote the digital transformation in the field of water treatment.
Through modules based on the numerical synthesis of processes and on a platform of data integration that controls the addition of chemical products and the analysis of parameters,
ETA 4.0 informs in real time, to the company managers, the operational status of each treatment plant.
Data that is transformed into information for a new management model.
All data collected by the modules during the analysis processes are stored in a dedicated supervisory system which we call EYES module. Through an app, all the information can be accessed in real time, anytime and anywhere, to perform monitoring or report taking.
Technological differentials:
The presence of an industrial computer dedicated to each module of process control module of the ETA 4.0, analyzing all the electronic signs generated is one of the main differentials of this device, systematically integrating all information and defining the operation standards through Deep Learning techniques. With individual processing, these modules have the capacity of sharing data, as well as enable access to these locally or remotely using protocols with OPC-UA and the internet of things (MQTT).
Concepts used:
- M2M – Machine-to-Machine;
- AI – Artificial Intelligence;
- IoT – Internet of Things;
- Predictive Maintenance;
Modules that integrate the full ETA 4.0 system
Alkalizer Control Module
This module uses concepts of the 4.0 industry for dosage control of different types of alkalizers at ETAs, based on online monitoring of pH of a stage of the process of water treatment.
Coagulant Control Module
Focused on the control and optimization of the most complex process of water treatment, this module uses concepts of machine learning to set the optimum dosage of coagulant safely, assuring effectiveness in the clarification process.
Chlorine Control Module
The importance of the disinfection process in the treatment goes beyond the elimination of microorganisms. The disinfectant agents (Ex. Chlorine) represent one of the highest costs. Thus, this module matches a colorimetric analytical system, digital flow meters and process valves to, with accuracy and economy, define the optimum amounts of addition of chlorine gas.
Fluorine Control Module
Accuracy is the word that defines the fluoridation process at a water treatment plant, the narrow strip recommended for the fluorides concentration in the water makes this process a challenge. As a strategy, we matched the colorimetric analytical system with accuracy peristaltic pumps, that, using an algorithm sets the needs of input, keeping the water within the legal standards.