
Dados em tempo real

Conectividade em várias tecnologias

Monitoramento e sistema de alertas

Plug and play

Specifications of each moduleo

39,5 cm     51 cm     35 cm

Water analysis, treatment and digital management

Poço 4.0 from Augen is an autonomous system for monitoring and dosage of water treatment in the drinkability standards. The solution is comprised by modules designed and based on flow colorimetric analysis technology, with methodologies indicated by the current legislation and metering pumps that allow proportional addition of chemical products to the produced water volume.
The equipment performs automatic sampling, enabling the user or the artificial intelligence used to define the necessary analytical frequency. The modules analyze the following parameters: temperature, pH, turbidity, free chlorine and fluoride.

Technological differentials:

The presence of an industrial computer dedicated to each module of process control module of the ETA 4.0, analyzing all the electronic signs generated is one of the main differentials of this device, systematically integrating all information and defining the operation standards through Deep Learning techniques. With individual processing, these modules have the capacity of sharing data, as well as enable access to these locally or remotely using protocols with OPC-UA and the internet of things (MQTT).

Concepts used:

  • M2M – Machine-to-Machine;
  • AI – Artificial Intelligence;
  • IoT – Internet of Things;
  • Predictive Maintenance;

Modular Technology

The versatility of Poço 4.0 Technology allows that other parameters are monitored according to the need, such as the well static and dynamics level, conductivity or other electrochemical information. Other devices such as macro gauges, frequency inverters, pumps among others, can be integrated to Poço 4.0 and, thus, be monitored and controlled at a distance.

Analyzed Parameters:

pH (Range 0 to 14);

Color (Range 0 to 120 uC);

Turbidity (Range 0 to 40 uT);

Temperature (0 to 60 oC);

Free Chlorine (0 to 2,5 ppm);

Fluoride (0 to 1,4 ppm);

Modules that integrate the full POÇO 4.0 system

In its complete configuration the module POÇO 4.0 is comprised by colorimetric analyzer of up to two parameters. One with the use of chemical reagents and the other without. Therefore, it is possible to have different combinations between the parameters (Free Chlorine and Fluoride) and (Color and Turbidity). Besides that, the module has an electrochemical sensor for pH or another configurable parameter.

In a simplified version, the complete configuration of module POÇO 4.0, as it is reduced to only colorimetric analyzer of up to two parameters, as in the complete version but without the electrochemical sensor.

Considering the collection of samples from multiple places, the Poço 4.0 module can be configurable with the selector valve of four samples, for color analysis, turbidity and pH.

Focused in the use of modules in remote or industrial places, there is the option of having its installation in protection box designed to assure the integrity of the analytical equipment in different environments.